Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Is Transcendentalism The Way Of Life - 1423 Words

Is Transcendentalism the way to live life? Transcendentalism is when one goes beyond the regular human experiences of the material world and society to find true peace. Thoreau’s â€Å"Walden† is about leaving the cities, abandoning one’s possessions and living out in nature to find one s true self. Emerson’s â€Å"Self- Reliance† is about resisting society and living true to oneself and never following society’s standards. A modern Transcendentalist named Josh from the novel The Gospel According to Larry by Janet Tashjian follows in the footsteps of Emerson and Thoreau and tries to live a Transcendentalist way of life. When a person does follow the transcendentalist way of life, they will find that it will always lead back to the material world and society and that they cannot escape it. The Transcendentalist way of life is not a beneficial way of life.’ Transcendentalist Thoreau believed that one should follow his or her owns emotions. This is Thoreau though are shown vividly when Thoreau in Walden says, â€Å" I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary.† (lines 26-27). Thoreau wanted to live freely and without regrets and if he did not live this way he was not living life. However when Josh uses his own emotion like Thoreau thinks do not end well for him. When Josh tries to follow his own emotion and is now at the point when he wants to tell Beth that he is actually Lary however Josh tell whatShow MoreRelatedTranscendentalism Is Not A Beneficial Way Of Life1403 Words   |  6 PagesTranscendentalism is when one goes beyond the regular human experiences of the material world and society to find true peace. Thoreau’s â€Å"Walden† is about leaving the cities, abandoning one’s possessions and living out in nature to f ind one s true self. Emerson’s â€Å"Self- Reliance† is about resisting society and living true to oneself and never following society’s standards. A modern Transcendentalist named Josh from the novel The Gospel According to Larry by Janet Tashjian follows in the footstepsRead MoreEssay on Transcendentalism1619 Words   |  7 Pages Transcendentalism nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Many people have theories and philosophies about life in general. There have been hundreds of thousands of books published by many different people on the ideas of people in the past and the present. Transcendentalism falls in amongst all of these ideas. There have been articles, essays, poems, and even books written about this subject. Transcendentalism has effected many people since the philosophy was first introduced. The idea was complex andRead MoreNature Ralph Walden Emerson and Henry David Thoreau Walden1693 Words   |  7 Pagesare both inspired from transcendentalism movement. 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